Lilura Sloane

Erotic romance Author

Learning as you go.

Sep 20, 2022 by Lilura Sloane, in WIP
Learning as you go is a strange concept, when you first start out as a writer, I remember the first time I completed my first book, but this book would never be published, up until this week it had laid in a file, I assumed never to be opened again, but fate is funny like that, dusting the cobwebs and blowing the dust from the long forgotten file, I started to give it a refresh.

It was only then that I blew out a sigh of relief of never having published this piece.

It's not that it was bad, it just needed more work, and with the growing number of unfinished files, now seemed like the perect time for this little beauty to make it's grand appearance, sure, I could have deleted the file and put it in the trash--however...

There is no such thing as a bad story, everything is a work in progress, with determination, you never know when it could turn into something beautiful.
Lilura Sloane.

I first published my erotic romance series in November 2021, everything is a learning cave, that's the beauty of knowledge, there will always be room for progress and there will always be something new to learn, just like the seasons, we too go through changes.